Relation Habitual Snoring with Heart Health

Do we know that there is a relation habitual snoring with heart health. It could be less healthy heart is characterized by snoring intensity, but not a severe heart attack.
A recent study conducted in Birmingham England showed that snoring treatment was found to improve cardiac function.

Snoring has long been known as a sign of sleep apnea or stop breathing in his sleep. Sleep apnea occurs due to narrowing of the airway during sleep, so the air flow stops. Although breathing movements strive draw air, the air still can not get in or out of the lungs. As a result, the patient will wake up in a state crowded involuntarily to take a breather.

Note, though awake brain waves, until the patient is not awake. As a result, he did not wake up feeling refreshed and continue sleepy without knowing the cause. Recurrent episodes of stopping breathing during the night is a chain reaction that leads to hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and death.

Lead researcher, Dr. Gregory Lip confirmed that sleep apnea can not be regarded as a minor nuisance. Experts have long know these dangers. Unfortunately, the general public still considers snoring as normal noise. As a result, the risk of dangerous diseases continue to lurk every night. Sadly for all of these diseases can be prevented by addressing snoring.
Another study first published in the journal Circulation in 2003 even mentioned that with the treatment of sleep apnea, a snorer would go down the risk to suffer from various heart diseases by 37 percent, while the risk of stroke fell by 56 percent.

Of the standard tests in a sleep laboratory, sleep apnea patients classified in the category of mild, moderate and severe based on the amount of stopping breathing per hour of sleep. In a study published in the American Heart Association's journal, performed echocardiography in 40 snorers with sleep apnea, 40 hypertensive patients without sleep apnea and 40 healthy people.

As a result, people with sleep apnea and hypertension patients without sleep apnea disorder structure and function of the left ventricle of the heart. Groups who suffer sleep apnea, then given treatment in the form of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This tool is a unit that plugs into the device and blow nose mask positive pressure to block the airway to keep it open during sleep.
People with sleep apnea although initially considered the use of CPAP as something sinister and troublesome, but eventually fell in love because of the better quality of sleep. This is evident from the quality of life in the afternoon. After using CPAP for 6 months, the snorers with sleep apnea re-examined. As a result, the heart wall thickening was reduced, and cardiac function was found to improve.
The author also warns, although not experience symptoms of heart problems, you should remain vigilant if we are a snore. Because of proven, snoring treatments can reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

What to do if you snore?

The first thing to do is to hear testimony partner. For he knows our condition during sleep. We ourselves never know if we are snoring. Snorer will undergo a sleep laboratory. Examination of this intricate yet comfortable not require special preparation. Staying came fitted with, and slept till morning.

From the examination bed, new found diagnosis and best course of treatment can be decided. The use of CPAP was introduced. Setup tools, introduction to administration tools should only be performed by medical personnel who are specially trained. After use you will feel safe and sound as if reborn. All new challenges can be overcome as easily. And you are also protected from harmful diseases that may be lurking if the snoring was solved.

Relation Habitual Snoring with Heart Health Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Silma2000